This application allows you to create QuickTime VR panoramas from panoramic PICT images.
Panoramic source PICTs can be created in graphics applications such as KPT Bryce 2, Strata Studio Pro, or Electric Image. (For examples of QuickTime VR panoramas created from graphics applications, see the QuickTime VR Web site at You can also make panoramic PICTs by scanning photographs from a 360-degree panoramic camera.
You can open PICT files from within this application, or drop them onto the application icon to automatically convert them using default settings. This behavior is controlled by the Drop Mode option in the File menu. If Drop Mode is not checked, you are given the opportunity to change the conversion options before the PICT is converted.
This version has been updated since 1.0 to output QuickTime VR 2.0 file format panoramas.
・ QuickTime 2.5 or later
・ System 7
・ Enough memory to load the source PICT, plus 2 MB.
1. Using a graphics program, rotate the PICT 90 degrees counter-clockwise (so that the bottom of the image is to the right.)
2. Start Make QTVR Panorama. (You can also drop a PICT onto the application, as described above.)
After the program launches, a dialog box is displayed.
3. Choose the PICT you wish to convert.
The settings window opens. (The PICT is not displayed.)
4. Adjust the Tile Movie and Compression settings as needed.
Tile movie: For playback in QuickTime, the application "dices" and compresses the PICT into 1 horizontal row with 24 tiles. By default, this file is saved with a ".tile" extension.
Compression Settings: These are standard QuickTime options. The default choices, Cinepak Compression, Best Depth, and High (75) quality, produce a relatively small file (about 10:1 compression) with almost no noticeable loss of image quality.
5. Name the panorama.
By default, the application names the panorama with a ".snm" (single-node movie) extension.
6. Enter the Player Settings.
These options determine how your panorama will appear in the QTVR Player window.
View size: Dimensions (in pixels) of the panoramic image in the Player window. Initial default: width 400 pixels, height 300 pixels.
Default Horizontal Pan: Degrees, from the left edge of the original image, of the initial view. Initial default: 0 degrees, user sees an image centered on the left edge of the original image.
Default Vertical Pan: Degrees, from horizontal, of the initial view. Initial default: 0 degrees, user sees an image centered on the middle of the picture.
Default Zoom: Zooming, on a scale of 1 to 100%. 100% = no zooming; the complete vertical field of view is displayed. Initial default: 75%.
7. Choose Create.
The QTVR panorama is created from the PICT.
・ To view the panorama, open it in the QTVR Player.
・ To change the Player Settings, use the source PICT to create a new panorama with the desired settings. (You can't open a panorama with this application.)
・ To convert another PICT, choose Open from the File menu.
8. Create a Panorama From a Previously Diced Movie
・Check the 'Use exisiting tile file if possible' box.
・If there is a file with the same file name listed in the tile movie file path it will use that movie to create the panorama. This can save time and hard drive space if you are just changing compression settings or player settings.
The Preferences window displays the defaults for converting, naming, and replacing files. You can enter new defaults in the Preferences window, or save as defaults the options displayed for an open PICT file.
・ To change the settings in the Preferences window, choose Set Preferences from the File menu.
・ To save the options displayed for an open PICT as default values, choose Save As Default. (Note: this method does not allow you to change the options for naming and replacing files.)
For proper playback on Windows machines:
・ The rotated source PICT must have a long dimension evenly divisible by 96 and a short dimension evenly divisible by 4.
If you attempt to convert a PICT that doesn't meet these requirements, the application will display a dialog with a recommended size. To change the size, use a graphics application. If you do not change the size to meet the recommended requirements, some views of the panorama won't display properly, and the QTVR Player may crash.
・ The panorama must have the suffix .mov (e.g. For compatibility with Windows 3.1, use the 8.3 file naming convention.